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Gorilla Levy Boosts Community Conservation

Gorilla Levy Boosts Community Conservation


Communities around Bwindi Forest and Mgahinga National parks, the home to more than half of the world’s endangered mountain gorillas have a reason to smile, with the introduction of Gorilla levy fund . The new development is yet another avenue to benefit the communities neighboring Bwindi Mgahinga Conservation Area. The fund promotes sustainable environmental conservation,

Hirwa Gorilla Family

The CMS Agreement on Conservation of Gorillas and their Habitats

The CMS Agreement on Conservation of Gorillas and their Habitats

Hirwa Gorilla Family

Concerted conservation and restoration efforts focus on saving gorilla populations in the wild and their habitats. However, gorillas remain on the brink of extinction, and continue to face severe threats. In 2006, the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) requested the Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences, in partnership with the Great Apes Survival Partnership (GRASP),

Kyaguliro Gorilla Family

Projects to Save Africa’s Rarest Ape Unveiled by UN

Projects to Save Africa’s Rarest Ape Unveiled by UN

Kyaguliro Gorilla Family

News Announced as People Young and Old Skate Off in London to Lift Threat of ‘Gorillas on Thin Ice’ Three projects aimed at countering the slide towards extinction of one of human-kind’s closest relatives were spotlighted today as events to mark the international Year of the Gorilla (YOG) 2009 got underway with a ‘Gorillas on

Wandering Gorilla Group Back in Mgahinga

Wandering Gorilla Group Back in Mgahinga


On July 7, 2007, the Nyakagezi group returned to the Mgahinga Gorilla National Park after having spent months in Rwanda. When the group left Uganda in March 2007, it still comprised 11 members; now there are only 7 left, as 4 females stayed with another group in Rwanda. The Nyakagezi group has spent most of

Nyakagezi Gorilla Family

Nyakagezi Gorillas Return to the Park

Nyakagezi Gorillas Return to the Park

Nyakagezi Gorilla Family

The Uganda Wildlife Authority is happy to announce that the mountain gorilla family that had crossed to the Rwandan Volcanoes is back in Mgahinga National park. This is after a prolonged 3 years’ disappearance of the only habituated gorilla family which had crossed to Rwanda Pac des Volcanos which is also home to these endangered

Virunga Gorilla Census Results Out

Virunga Gorilla Census Results Out


The census of the Virunga Volcanoes mountain gorilla population carried out during September and October 2003 has shown a 17% increase in population size since 1989. Their number is now estimated as a total of 380 gorillas. Six teams had traversed the entire gorilla habitat range, searching for fresh signs of gorilla groups. Their night

Ten Years of Gorilla Tourism in Mgahinga

Ten Years of Gorilla Tourism in Mgahinga


In December, 1989, a gorilla and nature conservation project was established on the Ugandan side of the Virunga Volcanoes. Biologist and historian Klaus-Jürgen Sucker started to develop the project with support from the Deutscher Tierschutzbund (German Society for the Protection of Animals), from the Berggorilla & Regenwald Direkthilfe and, later, from CIM (Center for International

State of Gorillas

State of Gorillas in Mgahinga Park, August 1997 to July 1998

State of Gorillas in Mgahinga Park, August 1997 to July 1998

State of Gorillas

A survey is complete to establish the state of the gorillas in Mgahinga National Park. The aim of the survey was to determine the number of mountain gorillas that use Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, which area and which time of the year. Emphasis was laid on unhabituated groups. A team of 4 experienced rangers was

Klaus-Jürgen Sucker

Klaus-Jürgen Sucker: The Gorilla Conservationist Killed on Duty

Klaus-Jürgen Sucker: The Gorilla Conservationist Killed on Duty

Klaus-Jürgen Sucker

It is impressive to note what Klaus-Jürgen Sucker achieved during the 5 years that he worked in the Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, a habitat of the mountain gorillas on the northern side of the Virunga Volcanoes. From 1989 until the sudden end of his work in 1994, the protected area was enlarged and turned into

Walter Baumgartel – Father of Gorilla Tourism in Uganda

Max-Walter Baumgärtel Is Dead

Max-Walter Baumgärtel Is Dead

Walter Baumgartel – Father of Gorilla Tourism in Uganda

With Walter Baumgärtel died a pioneer whose concern was the survival of the mountain gorillas. When he saw them for the first time and recognized the threat to their survival, he developed a concept for their conservation. He realized that it was only possible to protect the gorillas effectively by conserving their habitat. His idea
